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Mr Kenzo 1:05 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
I would take them in a heartbeat over the 3 stooges we have in charge, they can kill and behead people back in their country if that's what they want. I just want to see West Ham be successful

easthammer 12:57 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
Peter J 11.52
Surely if we got taken over by the right people, then old fans would come back. I know I would.

There is at least two big IFs with that.

First IF. If we believe what we are told old fans like you might not find it easy to come back. If you believe what is said about a season ticket waiting list. I go every home game and the ground looks pretty full to me. Of course that might not be the case once we are relegated. But I guess will have to see what happens there.

The bigger IF however "if we got taken over by the right people"
Let me say from the start that I don't like GSB they are without doubt classless and distasteful business people who don't have the fans interest to the top of their agenda unless it results in increased profits for them. Unfortunately I suspect that they are not alone in this in the world of football club ownership. They of course compound this self interest with abject mismanagement and crass publicity seeking statements on undeliverable promises which have led to false expectations.
Despite this I for one am in no rush to see West Ham Utd owned by a Middle Eastern potentate with a penchant for chopping of limbs and heads or lashing people for minor infringing such as driving a car while being a woman.
I am also not likely to welcome an All American "soccer" consortium who whose real interest beyond the mighty dollar is that of NFL and MLB. And want to ship us off to a yet unbuilt ground on Hackney Marshes or wherever. And if this consortium is headed up with someone who is already dealing with GSB I am already suspicious of the type of person that might be.

Don't get me wrong I am not saying "better the devil you know". But I am saying we want the right owners

simon.s 12:50 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
Johnson - very true, which is fucking worrying considering one is supposedly a lifelong fan. They just don’t ‘get’ our club, and never will.

w4hammer 12:43 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
Hermit Road 1:30 Sun Jun 28
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
“ one bid even wants to keep the Olympic Stadium for music, NFL, MLB etc and build a bespoke stadium for football still in Newham”

If you hadn’t have included this you might have had me.

This is an absolute non starter and anyone serious about buying the club enough to have sat down and be ‘almost there’ would know that

why is it a nonstarter? We live in crazy times and I can easily see that any previous agreement could be renegotiated with all parties agreement ( Sadiq Kharnage gets to say hes' taken Boris's bad deal off the table and saved taxpayers £30 million plus a year ( for another 90 odd years...))

Maybe you dont realise how much in the shit we are however they must realise there's never going to be a better time to sell - the US consortium could build on the MLB sucesss of last year and the NFl franchise is something they can build towards

as for a new stadium - if they are getting the cesspit and west ham for a chunk of change, why the hell not.....

Johnson 12:34 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
We have bad English owners who don't understand football and treat it like an emotionless toy.

simon.s 12:29 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
I remember fans saying for years that they’d never want someone like Abramovich, and buying your way to success is wrong, yada yada.

Compare and contrast how he runs that club, to how ours is run, and what he has achieved in the time he has been there. I actually think the bloke is a class act.

PeterJ 12:17 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
I hope you are being sarcastic.

Full Claret Jacket 12:15 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
Not a fan of foreign owners, their dirty money or fake 'ambitions'. The leagues are littered with bad foreign owners, people who don't understand football or who treat it like a emotionless toy.
When we get this lot out it has to be to someone who genuinely has a passion for the club, understands what really matters and knows how to improve us.

PeterJ 11:52 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
GSP. Surely if we got taken over by the right people, then old fans would come back. I know I would.

Barty 11:40 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
What a great way to start the day to read this thread!

GreenStreetPlayer 11:00 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
Whatever happens it has got to happen fairly quickly while enough fans are left. We need to come out of this perpectual nothingness since 2016.

Stowie.40 10:48 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
It’s the hope that kills, I so wanna believe this to be the case.

Eerie Descent 10:03 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
WHU(Exeter) 11:24 Sun Jun 28

Man City have a decent loyal hard-core following, but we definitely have more potential on the fan front. You only have to see their Champions League games... they have one of the best teams ever seen, yet they play to half empty stadiums.

Can you imagine us if we had the same team, in midweek CL games? That's the gutting thing, so much potential, so very badly run over the years.

On The Ball 9:25 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
Johnson 10:59 Sun Jun 28

Where the fuck have I defended them in any way?

Tomshardware 9:14 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
This tunnel will cave in before we reach the light at the end as this is West Ham we are talking about.

Nutsin 1:59 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
I heard the US group that's in for us is Trump Corp. Trump Jr. Is in charge.

gph 1:40 Mon Jun 29
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
If relegation is a deal-breaker, this is just going to make it worse.

That light willl be on the front of an express train....

Josh 11:28 Sun Jun 28
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
Cheers OMM son! Let’s hope you’re right.

Love the new username

WHU(Exeter) 11:24 Sun Jun 28
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
Alfs, always were, have been for the last 25 years. I remember maybe 15 years back when a football financial analyst was on a radio programme saying that with all the clubs being bought up how West Ham and Man City were the ones that any investor should jump at because the potential was there so much with their fanbase.

And we ended up with Sullivan and Gold....

Alfs 11:19 Sun Jun 28
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
We're potentially a brilliant investment opportunity for the right investors but they're going to need deep pockets. Once the new athletic stadium is built in Brum the OS will be sold to West Ham and can then turned into a proper football stadium.

60,000 flowing through the gates every other week, tv money, merchandising. Then there are the concerts which have an 80,000 capacity. We're a potential cash cow.

The problem is, G&S had just as lofty ambitions but tried to do it on the cheap and failed miserably. We're one of the last sleeping giants to be bought so surely it's just a matter of time.

Steven P 11:18 Sun Jun 28
Re: Some Light At The End of the Tunnel ?
I can’t see anyone said that Tripp would buy it on his own and is involved in a consortium?

I also don’t believe this they won’t sell up as they have to pay some back. It’s been proven time and again that at the end of the day this is a minimal amount.

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